The week has been flying by... It's already the last day at school. But apparently, we are a bit tired...
Le Programme :
- Mise à jour du blog... (comme tous les jours)
- Rencontre avec l'assistant Headteacher qui nous a expliqué en quoi consistait son travail. Il aide l'Headteacher. il s'occupe plus des plus grand. Il se charge de tout se qui est confort et bien être des élèves à l'école.
- Lunch time
- Feedback avec Rob et Judith Barnoin : we talked about the week, what we did, what we liked (basically everything :-))... We also dealt with what could be changed for the sutdents to go next year (maybe a day with the trainees..). We talked about the differences between the two systems and what made very positive impressions on us (the autonomy given to the pupils, their relationship with the teachers, the work they do in a relaxed atmosphere...)
Conclusion :
Spéciale dédicace to all the VIPs :
Julia, Rob and Judith qui ont tout organisé et sans qui rien n'aurait été possible. Thanks!
Johanna, Simon et Chantal: un énorme merci! Thanks so much for hosting us, taking care of us, driving us around and for providing us with a lot of activities! thanks for all the time we spent together.
Soccer game for Vincent, inside because it's too cold and windy!
Vincent, tu nous fait rêver!!!
Girls' evening out: moins sportives, on mise tout sur le culturel, et ce n'est pas notre collègue d'EPS qui y trouvera à redire!